社会主义市场经济条件下多元化的社会经济生活,必然导致人们在道德观念和道德行为 上的多元性,认真思考并研究新形势下的道德建设,建立既有利于非公有制经济和市场经济的巩固和 发展,又能体现生产资料社会主义公有制的道德体系,对弘扬道德主旋律具有重要的现实意义。
A varied social economic life on the condition of socialist market economy must bring about the plurality of people's moral concept and behaviour. It is of a great realistic importance for people to have a serious consideration and study of moral construction and establish the moral system that benefits the development of the e-conomy of both non-public ownership and market and shows socialist public ownership of productive material as well.
Journal of Shangqiu Normal University