论文以文本细读和文本分析的方式 ,从知识分子题材的重新挖掘 ,知识分子心路历程的展示和纯朴大气的风格三个方面分析了方方的长篇《乌泥湖年谱》。认为其对政治旋涡中的工程类知识分子的精细刻画填补了当代小说人物的一个空白 ,而其浓郁的时代生活气息也区别于纯粹从政治角度反思知识分子命运的其它长篇。作家知识分子的写作立场和纯正的艺术品位酿就了小说纯朴大气的风格。小说也有因取材太真而显得太实 。
By scrutinizing and analyzing the text, this paper studies the full length novel 'The Chronicles of Wuni Lake' written by Fangfang in such three aspects as re exploiting the subjects focusing on intellectuals, demonstrating the mental courses of intellectuals and analyzing the unsophisticated and respectable style of the novel. This paper believes that the accurate depiction of the intellectuals in engineering field in political whirlpools fills the gap that has hitherto existed in current literature, the pronounced period feel in this novel also differs from other full-length novels that introspect the destiny of intellectuals purely from political angles, and the intellectual standpoint and the pure artistic grade of the author of this novel form the unsophisticated and respectable style of the novel. But due to too much use of local material, this novel suffers from such drawbacks as too realistic and too unsystematic.
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Education