南水北调中线工程水源地旅游的初始战略选择包含三个层面 :(1)旅游资源开发的思维方式选择 ;(2 )旅游线路的战略选择 ;(3)旅游景区开发切入点的选择。应在山水一体化战略思想指导下 ,重点开发水源地旅游西南线 ,以均县镇为旅游开发切入点 ,实现名山大泽优化组合 ,实现武当文化和楚汉文化的有机结合 ,加速发展水源地旅游业。
The junior strategy choice of reservoir tourism, bringing water from South to North includes three aspects. First,it is a reasonable choice of tourisist resource. Second, it is a strategic choice of tourisist routes. Third, it is the choice of location on the scenery development.Emphasis should be put on the development of the Southwest route,Junxian should be regarded as an ideal place in order to realize the combination of Wudang culture and Chuhan culture and speed up the reservoir tourism.
Journal of Shiyan Technical Institute