语言的间接性是人类语言的共性之一。本文从三个方面对语言间接性进行了社会心理分析 ,提出了间接言语行为的三个动机 :即满足听话人的心理需要、说话人的心理需要和普遍的社会心理需要。语言间接性的社会心理分析对于发展间接言语行为理论 ,理解和使用间接语言有着重要意义。
Indirectness is one universal of languages. This article analyzes language indirectness socio-psychologically from three aspects and puts forward its three motives: to satisfy the psychological need of hearers, speakers and society. The socio-psychological analysis of language indirectness is significant to develop indirect speech act theory and understand and use indirect language.
Journal of Shandong Education Institute