竹泰广肩小蜂在浙江临安1年1代,11月下旬以老熟幼虫在寄主虫瘿内过冬,翌年4月上旬起化蛹, 4月下旬羽化。幼虫为害期从5月上中旬开始至11月下旬止。4月下旬羽化高峰期用敌马烟剂熏杀。
Tetramesa bambusae Philips has one generation in a year in Zhejiang, overwintering in his host gall as mat- urelarva, pupating at the first period of the next April and starting emergence at the last period of the same month. Damage of larva is from May to the end of November. By the end of April when the peak of emergence, trichlorfon- malathion is recommended to be applied for smoke generating.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology