应用灰色系统建模理论与方法,以临安市1985~1999年森林资源消耗量为时间序列数据,建立GM(1,1)消耗预测模型为: 回测的最大误差为6.7%,平均误差4.7%,回测精度较高。预测模型经后验差比检验:C=0.0033<0.35,小误差频率检验:P=1>0.95,模型精度为Ⅰ级(表3参4)。
Taking forest consumption of Lin'an, Zhejiang province from 1985 to 1999 as time series data, a forecating model was established with GM(1, 1); X(1) (K+1) = 996.44 e0.030414-9996.44, the maximal error was 6.7%, the average one 4.7% showing high accuracy. The posterior error test showed that c=0.0033<0.35, error frequency P=1>0.95, and the accuracy of the model was grade one.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology