我院自1987年3月至1990年3月对40例高血压脑基底节出血患者进行了血肿清除手术。男22例,女18例;年龄27~72岁,平均59岁。术后三个月均得以随访,手术后近期疗效为:死亡10例(25%);达自理者20例,半自理者7例,卧床者3例。本文对患者术前意识状况、血肿 CT 分型以及发病至手术间隔时间与近期疗效进行比较。提出将患者术前意识状况、血肿大小以及血肿扩延程度结合起来选择手术适应症。本文还对手术时机的选择进行了讨论。
From March 1987 to March 1990,forty cases of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhagein the basal ganglia were operated.Twenty two were males and 18 females.Ageranged from 27 to 72 years with an average of 59.Immediate results at 3 months post-operatively were as follows:20 were capable of self-care at home,7 required par-tial care at home,three were bedridden and ten died.The surgical indications andtiming of operation were discussed.It was believed that optimal combination ofpreoperative levels of consciousness,size and degree of extension of the hematomawould lead to the wisest dicision regarding relatively“elective”surgery.
Tianjin Medical Journal