“以德治国”是以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代领导集体在我国社会经济发展步入 2 1世纪新的发展时期提出的重要治国方略。“以德治国”的提出有着深厚的理论基础 ,正确理解这一理论基础的构成和发展过程 ,对于认真领会这一治国方略的内涵 ,自觉建设社会主义道德体系 ,大力提高全民族的道德素质 ,推动社会的全面进步有着重要意义。“以德治国”有利于推动社会主义现代化的全面发展 ;有利于在新形势下调整社会关系 ,特别是调整社会的利益关系 ;有利于加强正确的人生观、价值观、道德观的教育和塑造 ;有利于改善党风和社会风气 ;有利于消除消极腐败现象。
managing state affairs according to political integrity is one of the most important policies for managing state affairs,which was put forward by the third genreration leaders under the leadership of comrade Jiang Zeming with the new economic development in last century.Knowing the structure and development of its theoretical basis is of great importance to understand what the policy really is,to construct socialism integrity system on our own initiative,to improve the integrity quality of the whole nation,to propel the society forward.
Journal of Gansu Education College(Social Sciences)