时代需要新型教师 ,新型教师应具有四个特征 ,即学者、创新者、教育制度的建立者和交互式教学的执行者。本文对于培养具有以上特征的新型教师提出了一些设想———建立合作性探索研究小组、培养教师的科研意识、向教师提供真实的学校环境。
New times needs new characterized teachers who should possess four characteristics.That is to say a new characterized teacher should be a scholar,an initiator,a founder of educational system and an executant of mutual teaching.The thesis gives some tentative ideas of how to train new characterized teachers with the four characteristics,which includes four aspects:forming the group for cooperative study;training teachers' scientific research awareness;providing true school environment for teachers and taking different training paterns according to teachers' abilities and personal differenes.
Journal of Gansu Education College(Social Sciences)