宗璞创作有对绘画艺术的借鉴 ,讲究文字美与绘画美的交融 ,即充分发挥文字的构图和色彩功能 ,借用绘画的手段抒情写意。风景画、人物画、中国山水画都是宗璞创作的借鉴对象。她还重视光影、线条、色彩等绘画手段在创作中的运用。
Zong Pu enlists painting techniques and blends beauty of words and painting in her writing.In other words,She gave free rein to function of composition and shades of words and uses the means of painting to sketch freely,in which Landscape painting and traditional Chinese painting are included.Moreover,She puts stress on the application of means of painting such as line,shade and so on.
Journal of Gansu Education College(Social Sciences)