随着市场经济体制的发展 ,我国现有企业破产制度的不健全越来越明显 ,破产立法明显滞后。这不仅不利于发挥破产制度的特有功能 ,而且影响了破产案件正确、及时、合法地审判 ,在保护当事的人合法权益方面也受到了一定的影响。文章就破产审判实践中碰到的有关问题 ,如法律条文的可操作性 ,对债权人利益的保护 。
With the development of the market economy, it is becoming obvious that present enterprise bankrupt system is not sound and bankrupt legislation lags behind. It can't play the special functionin in bankrupt system, but affect the correct, legal trial to the bankrupt cases in time and lawful rights and interests of protecting what people are concerned about. This article studies on some probems in the practice of bankrupt trial such as infeasibl legislation, insufficient protection to creditors' right and unreasonable declaring rules to bankrupt creditors' right and puts forward personal idea.
Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Education