
新民主主义革命时期中国共产党对封建主义的认识和批判 被引量:1

The Cognizance and Criticism of Feudalism by the CPC during the Period of New Democratic Revolution
摘要 五四运动后 ,中国共产党领导的新民主主义革命 ,继续高举反封建的大旗 ,从根本上对封建主义进行批判。中国共产党深刻分析了近代中国社会半殖民地半封建性质 ,确定了反封建是中国革命的基本任务之一 ,揭示了反帝和反封建的内在一致性 ,把两个革命任务同列并举 ,为中国革命指明了正确方向。中国共产党在革命过程中认识到反封建斗争的实质内容 ,因而把对封建主义的批判建立在坚实的革命实践基础上 ,即在农村领导农民革命 ,推翻地主阶级的封建统治 ,消灭地主阶级土地所有制 ,使中国农民挣脱千百年来封建锁链的束缚而获得解放 ,中国出现了几千年未有的大变动大进步。中国共产党在革命过程中同样十分重视思想文化上的反封建斗争 ,并赋予思想启蒙运动以新的内容 ,在更深更广的程度上给封建主义思想文化以猛烈打击。 After the May Fourth Movement the Communist Party of China criticized feudalism once and for all, continuing to hold high the great banner of the struggle against feudalism in new democratic revolution led by her. Having made a profound analysis of semi-colonial and semi-feadal characters of China's society in modern times,the CPC decided that the struggle against feudalism is one of the fundamental missions of the Chinese revolution, brought to light the inherent identity of the struggle against imperialism and feudalism, and carried on the two revolutionary missions at the same time, thus pointing out the correct direction of making the Chinese revolution.The CPC realized the practical content of the struggle against feudalism in the course of the revolution,thereby practising the criticism of feudalism on a solid foundation of revolutionary practice,that is,to lead the peasantry in the revolution in the rural areas,overthrow the feudalist rule of the landlord class and abolish the land system of ownership of the landlord class,this helped Chinese peasantry smash the yoke of the feudal fetters and achieve emancipation,so China presented great changes and progress which have never arisen for thousands of years.In the course of revolution the CPC attached much importance to the struggle against feudalism in ideology and culture likewise,and has entrusted the new content to the ideological enlightenment,thereby striking relentless blows at feudalist ideology and culture to a deeper and wider extent.
出处 《南昌高专学报》 2002年第1期6-10,共5页 Journal of Nanchang Junior College
关键词 新民主主义革命 中国共产党 思想建设 封建主义 批判 反封建斗争 新民主主义文化 new democratic revolution the struggle against feudalism the Communist Party of China(=the CPC) revolution
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