建设高素质干部队伍 ,对于推进党的建设这个伟大工程 ,尤其是加强和改善党的作风建设具有很强的现实意义和历史意义。本文从高素质干部队伍的内涵 ,为什么要建设高素质干部队伍和怎样建设高素质干部队伍 ,加快培养和选拔优秀年轻干部 ,认真做好干部培养选拔任用工作等方面 ,理论联系实际地进行了较为深刻的阐述。
Building a cadre contingent with high quality is of the great practical and historical significance for pressing on with the gigantic project of the Party building,especially for enhancing and improving the Party style.By integrating theory with practice, this article expounded profoundly such questions as the connotation of a cadre contingent with high quality;why need building the contingent with high quality and how to build it;the expeditious training and selection of the outstanding young caders;and doing a good job of training,selecting and appointing cadres seriously.
Journal of Nanchang Junior College