苏联马克思主义莎学在世界莎学领域产生了重要影响。苏联马克思主义莎学以唯物主义为武器 ,把莎作放到历史发展和阶级斗争中去考察。肯定莎士比亚的现实主义与人文主义。但是 ,苏联莎学却存在着把马克思主义简单化的应用于莎学研究的特点。中国莎学研究受到俄苏莎学特别是苏联莎学全面。
Although the theory of Marxism-Shakespeare has been developed much in previous Soviet-Union, the research on the so-called theory of Shakespeare's historical materialism confines itself to the subject of analysis of class.It leads the research on the theory of Shakespeare to a improper state by simply using Marxism on the study of Shakespeare. The school of Marxism-Shakespeare in previous Soviet-Union has a deep and great effect on the formation and development of the study on Shakespeare in China.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College