桂林师专党委加强党的建设 ,特别在党的组织建设方面 ,高度重视在思想上建党 ,坚持用马克思主义、邓小平理论和江泽民“三个代表”重要思想指导党的建设 ,采取各种措施 ,积极在优秀中青年教师和学生中发展党员 ,壮大了党员队伍 。
The communist party committee of Guilin Teachers' College, having been for years arming the minds of its staff with Marxism, Deng Xiaoping's theory and Jiang Zheming's thoughts of 'Three Representatives', and greatly concentrating on party construction of the college, have actively admitted party members from excellent young and middle-aged teachers and students by all possible means, so as to have enlarged the ranks of the party and promoted college's teaching and scientific research with tremendous success.