根据同化增音和异化增音的规律 ,语气词“啊”的音变应重新整理为 8种。现代汉语教材认为 ,“啊”根据音变应分别写作“啊、呀、哇、哪”,但实际上几乎无人能真正分清它们的写法 ,因此长期以来“啊”的音变用字一直处于混乱状况。结束这种混乱状况的最好办法就是一律统写为“啊”
According to the rules of assimilation and dissimilation, the Chinese modal particle 'A' should have eight variants. A modern textbook of Chinese teaches that 'A' may have four writing characters: 'A', 'Ya', 'Wa', and 'Na' due to its phonetic variants. Yet, in practice, few people are really aware of their differences. Therefore how to write the character 'A' has long been in confusion. The best solution, the paper believes, is to use only one writing form, that is, 'A'.