文学作品的意蕴是丰富多样的 ,并自成一个系统。其基本的意蕴有历史的、政治的、道德的、哲学的、宗教的、人生的、美感的几类 ,一种意蕴或几种意蕴的综合在作品的意蕴系统中占据核心地位就成为作品的主题。而主题又应该作广义和狭义的区分 ,广义的主题实际是“母题”,狭义的主题是指具体作品中的核心意蕴。母题是永恒的 ,通常所说的主题则是历史的、具体的。
Literature works contain various implications which can be systemetic. Basic implications are of history, politics, morality, philosophy, religion, humanity and aesthetics. One implication or the combination of several implications turns out to be the theme of the literature works when taking up the central position in its implication system. There are broad themes and narrow themes, the former of which are, in fact, the 'mother themes' while the later are the kernel implications of a specific literature creation. Mother themes are eternal and the others are historic, specific and unique.