哈剌灰人是明代中后期生活于西域哈密地区及苦峪 (今甘肃安西县境内 )的一支重要的部族集团 ,曾被列为哈密三大部落之一。事实上 ,它最初系蒙古鞑靼部的一支 ,迁居于此而形成了一个新的部族集团 ,号曰“哈剌灰” ,后来又吸收了众多瓦拉部落 ,遂发展壮大 ,活跃于哈密地区 ,明末清初渐融入其他民族。
Included one of the three nations of Hami, HaLaHui was an important tribe living in the west area of Hami and Cuyu (belonging to Anxi county of Gansu province now) during the mid-late period of Ming Dynasty. In fact,It came from DaDa tribes which had migrated there originally and named HaLaHui as a new nation. Subsequently,it recruted many tribes of WaLa, developed and became stronger to activate in Hami. But during the early Qing Dynasty , it was blended by other nations. The writer makes an approach to its resource of the nation now.
Journal of Yili Education College