目的 探讨治疗尿道处女膜融合症的新方法。 方法 采用阴道口缩小并阴道口前缘后移术治疗尿道处女膜融合症 4 5例。手术关键是去除尿道口缩窄及增生物使尿道平滑 ,通过折叠阴道前壁 ,在缩小阴道口的同时延长尿道 阴道间距 1.2~ 1.5cm。 结果 4 3例 (96 % )随访 3~ 4 8个月 ,37例 (86 % )痊愈无复发 ,2例 (5 % )膀胱刺激症状减轻 ,4例 (9% )无效。 结论 此术式治疗尿道处女膜融合症简单合理 ,疗效满意。
Objective To evaluate a modified operation for the treatment of urethral hymenal fusion. Methods 45 case underwent the modified meatoplasty.The key points of the operative procedure were excision of the pathological changes at the external meatus and widened the distance between the external meatus and ostium vaginae to 1.2~1.5 cm. Results 43 case (96%) have been followed up for 3~48 months with 37(86%) cured of the disease and 2(5%) patients were improved.The operation failed in 4(9%). Conclusions The modified operation was claimed to be simple and effective for the treatment of urethtal hymenal fusion.
Chinese Journal of Urology