针对航空静止变流器的直流环节,对交错并联双管正激变换器进行了研究。分析表明,双管正激电路利用两个续流二极管实现了变压器铁心的磁复位,简单可靠,采用交错并联技术后,输入输出电流纹波大大减小,减小了输入输出滤波器的体积,同时变换器的热分布更加均匀,提高了整机性能和可靠性。在完成航空DC 27 v低输入电压,DC 190 V输出,1 kw的样机基础上,对输入为大电流的相关电路设计问题进行了详实的讨论和小结。
For the purpose of implementation of DC Link of Aeronautical Static Inverter (ASI), research on low input voltage two-module interleaved two-transistor forward DC/DC converter is detailed. In this topology, only two diodes is needed for the demagnetization of translormer core. With interleaving technique, input and output current ripple can be reduced dramatically, and lower size input and output filter can be used. Furthermore, hotspots in the circuit is almost eliminated, which improve circuit performance greatly and make it more reliable. Through a prototype of DC 27V/190 V, 1 kW DC/DC converter, sonic useful conclusion and design guideline of the low-voltage high-current input DC/DC converter is presented.
Power Supply Technologles and Applications