雄蚕品种的引进与产业化推广是今后蚕业发展的方向。通过引进雄蚕品种夏华×平 8、华秋×平30在实验室对比和农村示范试验 ,试验结果表明 :雄蚕品种综合性状总体较优 ,但某些性状如产量。
The main development direction of sericulture industry was the introduced and industries the male silkworm hybrids. The introduced male silkworm hybrids, Xiahua × Pin 8 and Huaqiu × Pin 30, were reared in the laboratory and rural demonstrative area. The results of the experiments showed that the comprehensive characters of male silkworm varieties were excellent, however, some characters such as cocoon yield and reel ability etc. needed further improvement and consummation.
Bulletin of Sericulture