建立了多级混合澄清槽稳态趋近数学模型 ,并在此基础上编写了计算机模拟程序MIXEX2。进行了N ,N 二甲基羟胺 (DMHAN)作为 1B槽还原反萃剂微型槽实验和MIXEX2计算程序的验证实验。结果表明 :以DMHAN为反萃剂的 1B槽 ,在设定工艺条件下能够有效地实现铀钚分离 ,钚中去铀的分离系数和铀中去钚的分离系数高达 1 0 4 以上 ;程序计算的酸、铀和钚的浓度剖面与实验浓度剖面符合良好 。
A computer program named MIXEX2 is developed based on the steady state approach model in order to simulate the performance of multi stages contactor. Experiments are carried out to estimate the efficiency in the partition of U/Pu with N,N dimethylhydroxylamine (DMHAN) as reductant and the reliability of MIXEX2. The results show that Pu and U can be separated effectively under the designed condition with separation factors of SF Pu/U and SF U/Pu both over 10 4. Meanwhile, the calculated concentration profiles of HNO 3, U and Pu are in good agreement with their experimental concentration profiles. Therefore it can be said safely that the program can predict the working performance of extraction contactor successfully.
Atomic Energy Science and Technology