讨了通过改变样品处理方法、色谱条件及进样量 ,改进传统气相色谱法测定饮料中苯甲酸的方法。以增加峰面积 ,提高测量的准确度和精密度 ,苯甲酸测定的检出限为 1mg/ml,相对标准偏差为 1 3 0 % ,样品加标回收率为 93 %~ 10 4%
The improvement in the conventional determination of benzoic acid in beverages by gas chromatography was studied by varying the treatment of samples, the chromatographic conditions and the sampling amount with a view of increasing peak area and enhancing the accuracy and precision of measurement. The upper limit for the determination of benzoic acid was 1mg/ml, the relative standard deviation was 1 30%, and the indexed recovery ratio of samples 93% ~ 104%.
Beverage Industry