

Analysis of the Large Scale Structure from Samples given by Quasi-one-dimensional Redshift Survey
摘要 通过分析由五个笔形天区的完备红移巡天和九个1/3采样红移巡天得到的样本,研究了星系分布中的大尺度结构。用一种改进过的方法计算了该分布的分维。结果表明星系分布确实具有3—4.5h^(-1)Mpc的典型尺度,这与Shanks等的结果一致。 Large scale structure in the distribution of galaxies has been investigated by analyzing the samples given by the complete redshift survey in 5 pencil-beam fields and sparse redshift survey in 9 pencil-beam fields. Fractal dimension in the distribution has been calculated with a revised method. The result shows that the distribution of galaxies do have typical scale which is about 3-4.5 h-1 Mpc. This result is consistent with that obtained by Shanks et al.
出处 《天体物理学报》 CSCD 1991年第4期306-310,共5页
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 宇宙学 大尺度结构 星系 cosmology-large scale structure-galaxies
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