我国近几年铸件产量统计 ;国内工业用户需求和使用铸件数量 ;中国的铸件进出口状况 ;综述了我国铸造行业所采用的主要生产工艺 ;调查了部分具有典型代表性的工厂其生产成本构成。依据现有资料分析 ,指出我国是铸件生产的大国 ,却不是铸件生产强国。提出了今后 5年中国铸造市场展望 ,以及对铸件产量估计 ,市场展望和投资前景 ;抓住机遇 。
The statistics of casting output, consumer's requirement of both internal and external industries is introduced. The main practical foundry technology is also summarized. At the same time, the production cost of some representative national plants is investigated as well. According to the statistics, it is believed that we are a major production country based on the turnout other than a great powerful nation in foundry technology. According to the climate and trend of foundry technology and the market of the following 5 years, we should grasp the opportunities, to increase our casting output and to carry out our magnificent blueprint.Researchers have paid much attention to it.
Foundry Technology