In the increasingly competitive telecom industry, universal service is a tricky and sensitive topic as well as the focus and a difficult part of China's telecom reform. Universal telecom service Is inseparable from economic development. As a developing country. China is still backward in terms of telephone penetration rate, and the 'digital gap' in central and western China is widening. To a great extent, the economic development in underdeveloped regions depends on the deployment of universal telecom services. In recent years, China has made substantial achievements in telecom reform, breaking the monopoly as well as the old mechanism of universal service provision. Although the cross-subsidizing system for telecom companies is gradually fading out, a new compensation mechanism is yet to be established in line with the 'competition neutral' principle. As China has obtained the official membership of WTO, it is very significant to the development of the telecom industry and informatization in China that we should establish a universal service mechanism which is relatively fair and transparent to both incumbent operators and new entrants and strike a balance between the social development goals of the government and the interests of both telecom companies and end users before participating in global competition.
China Telecommunications Trade