第一代中央领导集体对有中国特色社会主义建设道路进行了艰辛的探索 ,虽经风雨曲折 ,但仍取得丰硕成果。社会主义社会矛盾学说、发展阶段与战略的提出 ,工业化道路的构想 ,经济与文化、领导核心与依靠力量的协调发展 ,经济体制改革的积极尝试等 ,都推进了社会主义事业 ,为邓小平理论形成奠定了基础。
China's first generation of leaders made painstaking but fruitful efforts to explore the right way of building socialism with Chinese characteristics: The advocacy of contradictions of socialist society, the theory of developmental stages and strategies, the conception of industrialization, the view of balanced development between economy and culture, the leading nucleus and backing forces, the bold try-out of economic reforms, all combined together to greatly promote China's socialist cause. These theories and conceptions lay the foundation for Deng Xiaoping Theory.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)