实行栏目策划是新形势下文科学报的必然选择。文科学报的栏目策划源于市场的需要、读者的需要和自身发展的需要等诸多方面。在遵循前瞻性、原创性、能动性的基础上 ,从栏目的内容和形式入手 ,创造出适合自己学报的栏目 ,以提高学报的含金量 ,增加学报的可读性 。
To meet the needs of the market, the reader and self-development, column planning is a natural choice for liberal arts journals under the new circumstances. Column planning should start with the content and form the columns for the purpose of improving the standard of the journal, increasing its readability and promoting its influence.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)