地微震一般是微米级的自然连续振动 ,振动频率在 10几赫以下 ;地微震观测技术 ,早已应用到工程勘察及地震安全性评价领域 ,并已列入相关规程。受观测、解释及成果应用水平的限制 ,以前的应用主要是定时定点一次性观测 (在静噪条件下 ) ,考察场地三维方向振动特性 ,提出构筑物抗震设计要求。由于该项技术良好的可拓展性 ,2 0世纪 80年代后期 ,日本利用定时定点的微震观测 ,推断场地地层构造、振动特性。 2 0世纪 90年代 ,偶见国外应用其进行一些监测工作的零星报道。地微震四维观测即空间三向振动特性随时间的变化 ,以自动长期连续观测系统有效监测滑坡、崩塌等地质灾害 ;因此 。
Earth microseism is generally of the natural continuous shake within the rang of micrometer. The frequency of which is less than 20*!Hz. The microseism observation method was used for engineering geological investigation and earthquake evaluation for a long time, and has been listed and mentioned by relative regulations. Restricted by the standard of observation, interpretation and application, the technique was mainly applied on a single observation (at muting condition) at fixed time and location, and on 3D property investigation of the site so as to propose the design requirement for anti-earthquake. Due to the advantage of the method, the geological structure and characteristics of site had been deduced with microseism observation at fixed time and location in Japan during the late eighties. The related reports and information have been found in foreign journals during the nineties. 4-D microseism (or the 3-D characteristics changing with time) monitors geological hazard efficiently, such as landslide and collapse, with an automatic, continuous and long term system. Therefore, the equipment and technique for 4-D microseism observation have met the demand of automatic, continuous and long term monitoring.
The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control