目的 总结18例颈、胸廓上口开放性血管损伤的救治经验,指导临床抢救。方法 对18例颈、胸廓上口开放性血管损伤行吻合修补颈总动脉3例、颈内动脉2例、颈内静脉5例,结扎颈前静脉2例、颈外静脉10例、颈横动脉及肩柙上动咏1例,左锁骨下动脉第二段取出竹片异物1例。结果 17例痊愈,1例死于失血性休克。结论现场有效压迫伤口,抗休克同时迅速结扎血管止血或完成血管重建是抢救成功的关键,左锁骨下动脉第二段栓塞可不结扎。
Objective sumerizeding ot 18 patients with open injun bes of neck and thoracic outlet Vessels to direct clinical rescure. Methords Repair 3 Patients with common carotid arterial injury and 3 with exfernal carotid arterial injury and 2 with interal caroid arterial injury and 5 with injury of inteinal jugular vein, 1igation of vessels are performed in jugularis anterior vein(2 cases)and exfernal jugular Vein(10 cases),transversa colli arteria and suprascapularis arteria(1 case), to take out the bamboo clapper from the second section of the left subclavia arteria. Results seventeen patients were recovered, one patient was dead because of hemorrhagic shock. Conclusions To oppress the wound in the scene effectively, to treat shock as soon as legating vessels or repairing vessels is the successful key ot rescure, it may ligate that the second section of the left subelavia arteria was blocked.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News