目的 :探讨以骨质破坏为主的儿童恶性淋巴瘤临床治疗方案和疗效。方法 :6例经病理活检 ,免疫分型和影像学检查后 ,选择化疗方案 ,观察疗效。结果 :6例患儿经CT和MRI检查均有不同程度骨质破坏 ,免疫分型为B型。应用MCP方案化疗后 1例死亡 ,5例持续完全缓解 (CCR)。结论 :以骨质破坏为主的儿童恶性淋巴瘤临床罕见 ,经影像学检查 ,病理活检和免疫分型可早期确诊 ,预后与临床分期有关 。
Purpose:To study the clinical and imaging characteristics of childhood malignant lymphoma with bony erosion, and explore the treatment protocol and prognosis.Methods:Through pathologic tests, immunohistochemical studies and imaging analyses, 6 patients were diagnosed as malignant lymphoma with bony infiltration. The 6 cases were treated and followed up. Results:There were different kinds of bony involvement in CT and MIRI imaging in 6 patients. All cases were type B as to immunology classification. Following treatment by protocol MCP, 1 case was dead and the others are in constant compete remission (CCR). Conclusions:The childhood malignant lymphoma with bony involvement is rarely seen, it is relatively easy to diagnose by CT/MRI and pathologic tests. The prognosis is related to clinical classification. It can be treated by protocol MCP.
China Oncology