结合京包线接触网综合大修工程,提出一种在石质路基区段更换接触网支柱的施工方案:先不拔掉原支柱,在原支柱基础位置开挖基坑,全部灌注C20微膨胀混凝土,经过养生达到设计强度后,再从根部拆除原支柱,并安装新支柱及支持装置,最后在基础上浇100 mm的基础帽。
This paper brings on a construction scheme for ballast bed section during the replacement of OCS mast with the references of overhaul of OCS in Beijing-Baotou line; the re-excavation on the former foundation shall be done at first without taking away the mast, then the re-excavated foundation shall be filled with C20 swelling concrete. When it has been reaching to the designed strength after sufficient curing, then the mast can be taken away completely. After the new mast and supports have been re-mounted, the cast of concrete in 100 mm can be completed as the surface layer of the foundation.
Electric Railway