具溢水管 ,容积为 1L的 12只ABS塑料盆钵组装的水培立柱 ,其底部是底座 ,顶部是淋滴装置 ,总高 2 0 0cm ,直径为 15cm .按柱间距 80cm× 80cm排列在面积有A =5 40m2 的非自控玻璃温室内 ,然后再串联和并联成”树林”式栽培整体 .该整体含 6 36根立柱 ,每根立柱的最多种植量有 6 0株 ,总共种植 3816 0株 ,加地面原有种植数 10 314株 ,共有 48474株 ,此为地面原种植量的 4.7倍 .立柱被安装在地面水槽上 ,通过循环灌溉系统 (营养液 )将立柱无土栽培和地面无土栽培组合为一体 ,即谓柱式无土栽培系统 .柱式无土栽培系统全种生菜 ,育苗移栽 ,种后 40d(中后期 ) ,立柱区的光照E =6 80~ 86 0 μEm- 2 s- 1 ,高出生菜光合作用饱和点E =180~ 36 0 μEm- 2 s- 1 .立柱上的小栽培钵的一点底面接触水面 ,使苗的大部分根数生长于水面之上湿润的岩棉之中 ,良好的生长空间加上流动的水柱 ,生菜获得了水、气、肥协调的根部环境 .冬季最高气温平均为θ =2 0℃ ,最低气温平均有θ =3.3℃ ,RH =5 7%~ 71% .种后 5 3d(生长后期 ) ,生菜产量平均有 5 .6kg /m2 ,较CK(平均 1.5kg /m2 )提高 3.7倍 .柱式无土栽培系统是一种高产高效的工厂化生产模式 .图 7表 3参
A culture column was composed of hat named as dripping unit, columnar body which was an axle contacted 12 one-liter volume plastic pots with overflow tube and columnar base. The column was 200 cm tall and was 15 cm indiameter. The columns were arranged by 80 cm×80 cm in rows to establish the columnar cultural unity, which consisted of 636 columns in 540 m 2 cultivable area in glass house and was used for cultivating lettuce. This columnar cultural unity stood on the culture water troughs on the ground, and both the former and the later were connected through the circulating irrigating system of water to form a big stereoscopic culture unity named as the system of columnar soilless culture (SCSC). The culture area of SCSC system was enlarged 3 times more than that of the culture water troughs. Each plastic pot in the column held 5 plants and one column could carry 60 plants. The columnar cultural unity could support 38 160 plants and included 10 314 plants grown on the water troughs, so it could totally support 48 474 plants, which was 4.7 times more than that held by the cultural water troughs on the ground. At the middle-late growth stage of letluce (40 d after planting), in the columnar culture area illumination (E) was 680~860 μE m -2 s -1 , and was 180~360 μE m -2 s -1 higher than that of the saturation point of photosynthesis of lettuce. As a result of a good space between the small culture pots in the pot and water surface in the pot (Fig 7), the young plants grown above the water surface could get enough air, water and nutrition through the rock fibre wrapped plant. The maximum mean air temperature was 20 ℃, the minimum mean temperature was 3.3 ℃ and the humidity (RH) was 57%~71% in the columnar culture area in winter. After 53 d growth, the yield of fresh lettuce by SCSC in a area of 160 m 2 was 5.6 kg/m 2, 3.7 times higher than that of CK. The SCSC was shown as large production model with high yield and benefit. Fig 7, Tab 3, Ref 7
Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
hydroponics cultural column
system of columnar soilless culture (SCSC)
high yield and high benefit