双尾虫系统发生问题目前备受学者的关注。作为六足总纲中内、外颚亚纲的过渡类群 ,双尾虫是否单系性及其系统地位的确定是争论的焦点 ,也是解决六足总纲高级阶元系统发生关系的一个关键。文中综述了多年来双尾虫形态学和解剖学方面研究所引发的争议和达成的共识 ,并对近几年该方面分子系统学的工作进行了总结和初步探讨。
The phylogeny of Diplura,an intermediate group between Entognatha and Ectognatha,is on hot debate now.Two main questions,one is whether Diplura is a monophyletic group,and the other is whether Diplura is sister group to the Insecta s str ,constitute the contentious focuses.The settlement of these two questions is also one of the key points for resolving the phylogenetic arrangement of hexapod orders.In this paper,we reviewed the arguments and agreements about the phylogenetic position of Diplura of relevant groups based on morphological and anatomical evidences,as well as the recent advances on molecular systematics.
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