
中国角顶叶蝉亚科一新属六新种(同翅目:叶蝉科) 被引量:2

摘要 记述角顶叶蝉亚科 1新属 :即柔突叶蝉属Abrusgen .nov .,并记述 6新种 :衡山柔突叶蝉A .hengshanensissp .nov .、短茎柔突叶蝉A .brevissp .nov .、黄氏柔突叶蝉A .huangisp .nov .、武夷柔突叶蝉A .wuyiensissp .nov .、叉茎柔突叶蝉A .bifurcatussp .nov .和锥尾柔突叶蝉A .coneussp .nov .,列有种的检索表 ,描述了种的外部形态特征及雄性外生殖器特征 ,附有主要特征图。 In the present paper a new genus, Abrus of Deltocephalinae and six new species are described from China. The type specimens are deposited separately in the Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences (IZAS),Zhongshan University (ZSU),Nankai University (NKU) and Entomological Museum of Northwest Sci Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry (EM),which are indicated under each species. Abrus gen. nov.Type species: Abrus hengshanensis sp. nov. Body elongate,robust. Head including eyes narrower than pronotum. Crown longer medially than next to eyes but shorter than width between eyes;anterior margin roundly produced anteriorly in dorsal view;disc somewhat flat;anterior margin with four dark markings. Transition of vertex and frontoclypeus rounded. Eyes fairly large;ocellus situated on frontal margin of crown next to eye by distance equal or minor to its diameter. Frontoclypeus is narrow, longer than width between eyes. Anteclypeus slightly expanded apically. Pronotum with its anterior margin roundly produced and posterior margin slightly concave. Scutellum almost as long as 3/2 length of head,with transverse depression straight and depressed. Forewing elongate;appendix wide;inner subapical cell open;4 apical cells. Male pygofer side narrowing to apex or with posterior margin blunt,with or without dorsal/ventral process,covered with plenty of macrosetae posteriorly and some at mid ventral margin,and identically,with a membrane transparent process covered with plenty of tiny setae from inner apex. Subgenital plate long and wide with lateral and posterior margins roundly curved,and with plenty of macrosetae at outer half. Connective Y shaped,shaft robust and arms well developed. Paramere with basal half wider and narrowing to the middle,apical half narrow. The aedeagus with atrium well developed and produced dorsally,shaft long and curved dorsad with a well developed dorsal projection at base and paired appendages apically; phallotreme at or near apex. This new genus resembles Matsumurella Ishihara in general appearance,but they differ markedly in male genitalia. In the new genus with anteclypeus expanding apically,pygofer with a long membrane transparent process covered with plenty of microsetae from inner apex;aedeagus with a well developed basal projection dorsally. The new genus is also very similar to Thamnotettix, but can be distinguished from the latter in the following aspects: 1)pygofer with a long membrane transparent process;2)aedeagal shaft with a well developed dorsal projection at base,phallotreme at or near apex;3)anteclypeus expanding apically;4) body longer (8?mm);5) macrosetae of male subgenital plate not in a row along lateral margin.Key to species of the new genus Abrus (♂) 1. Aedeagal shaft about half length of basal projection,apical appendages extended posteriorly A. brevis sp. nov. Aedeagal shaft as long as or longer than basal projection,apical appendages extended basally and laterally2 2. Pygofer with a pair of long processes at dorso posterior margin A. wuyiensis sp. nov. Pygofer without process at dorso posterior margin3 3. Apical appendages of aedeagus branched at apex,with a small process at base4 Apical appendages of aedeagus not branched at apex,without process at base5 4. Pygofer side with a long process at posterior lower corner,basal projection of aedeagus short,about half length of shaft,without lateral process in the middle A. coneus sp. nov. Pygofer side with a short process at posterior lower corner,basal projection of aedeagus as long as shaft,with a pair of triangular shaped appendages laterally in the middle A. bifurcatus sp. nov. 5. Pygofer side without process at ventral part,basal projection of aedeagus with teeth along ventral margin and with lateral appendages curved basad A. huangi sp. nov. Pygofer side with a finger shaped process in the middle of ventral margin,basal projection of aedeagus with a long process at subapex and lateral appendages curved distad A. hengshanensis sp. nov.1 Abrus hengshanensis
作者 戴武 张雅林
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期304-315,共12页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
基金 国家教育部霍英东基金资助项目
关键词 中国 角顶叶蝉亚科 新属 新种 同翅目 叶蝉科 Homoptera,Cicadellidae,Deltocephalinae,new genus,new species.
  • 相关文献


  • 1Anufriev,G. A. 1971. Study of the genus Matsumurella Ishihara 1953,(Homoptera,Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae) with the description of three new species from China and Japan. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Sér. Sci. Biol., 19 (6):403-405.
  • 2Anufriev,G. A. and Emeljanov,A. F. 1988. Keys to the identification of insects of the Soviet Far East. Vol.2:Homoptera and Heteroptera. Leningrad. 1-972. (In Russian)
  • 3Ossiannilsson,F. 1983. The Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Part 3:The Family Cicadellidae:Deltocephalinae,Catalogue,Literature and Index. Faun. Ent. Scan., 7. Scandinavian Science Press Ltd.,Copenhagen,Denmark. 594-979.










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