随着通信技术的飞速发展.Ethernet最终将全面进入工业自动化领域。但是由于现有的科技水平,Ethernet尚无法完全替代现场总线。如何将Ethernet和现场总线的优点结合起来,取长 补短,Phoenix Contact公司提出 了 INTERBUS +Ethernet的新型工业通讯技术,构造完善的现代工业企业管理控制网络,并在玉溪卷烟厂得到了成功的应用。
Ethernet and Interbus permit transparent commination in new distributes automation design. In recent years, the Ethemet and TCP/IP standards have established themselves in local networks in the office environment. In the world of automation, therefore, there has been discussion for some time of whether these basic technologies can also be transferred from a high --volume market to the area of automation technology. The discussion examines whether Ethernet is the field hus of the future or whether the field buses established at the present time could even be replaced by Ethemet. It's not possible to give on signal answer; it is a fact that automation designs will change if Ethemet is used. By means of Ethernet and the related Intemet technologies, the change from today'e centrally organised automation designs to future decontrol designs with distributed intelligence becomes possible. At first the basic principles, main technology and techniques of Interbus and Ethemet will be descriptor then some successful application examples are given. And the future automation systems are suggested in the final.
Control & Automation