目的 用克隆法研究γ射线诱发的人外周血淋巴细胞HPRT基因突变情况。方法 从一健康成年男子外周血中分离出淋巴细胞 ,种于 96孔板 ,进行淋巴细胞的克隆和HPRT基因突变细胞的筛选。结果 在一定剂量范围内 ,人外周血淋巴细胞克隆率与照射剂量呈负相关 ,相关模型为 y =49.810 0 - 4.46 5 5D ,r2 =0 .96 6 2 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;HPRT基因突变频率与照射剂量呈正相关 ,相关模型为y =0 .0 95 8+1.5 5 0 1D ,r2 =0 .9878(P <0 .0 5 )。结论 淋巴细胞HPRT基因对辐射敏感 ,在一定剂量范围内 ,HPRT基因突变频率与照射剂量呈正相关。
Object To study The HPRT Gene Locus Mutation of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Induced by γ Ray Using Clone Method.Method Lymphocytes were separated from human peripheral blood using Fycoll-hypaque density centrifugation and planted in the wells of microtiter plates with a flat bottom to clone lymphocytses and screen the cells with HPRT gene mutation.Results In some range of radiation dose,the clone efficiency of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes has negative correlation to radiation dose,and the model is y=49.8100-4.4655D,r 2= 0.9662 ,r 2= 0.9951 ;while the hprt mutation frequency has positive correlation to radiation dose,and the model is y=0.0958+1.5501D,r 2=0.9878.Conclusion HPRT gene is sensitive to radiation,and in some range of radiation dose,the hprt mutation frequency has positive correlation to radiation dose.
Suzhou University Journal of Medical Science
国防科工委预研项目 (Y5 5 7336 2 )