克孜尔水库自 1991年 8月下闸蓄水后 ,穿过水库大坝的 F2 活断层 (克孜尔活断层 )出现了水平和垂直形变的特大异常变化。分析后认为是前期水库施工开挖土石方、填筑土石方及水库蓄水引起地面负荷变化的综合效应所致 ,同时地震活动规律也产生了与形变同步的异常变化。综合测震、水文、地质分析认为 :1水库蓄水可以诱发地震 ,震级主要在 MS3.0级以下 ;2蓄水诱发 F1活断层 (却勒塔格活断层 )上中等地震的可能性比较大 ,而诱发 F2
The Kizil, Xinjiang, reservoir began to store water from Aug. 1991. After water storage, extraordinary horizontal and vertical deformation anomalies appeared on the F\-2 fault(Kizil active fault) across the dam of the reservoir. It was caused by the variation of ground load, such as digging and filling earth and stone in the early period of reservoir construction, the water storage in the reservoir.Sympathetic with the fault deformation, the seismicity around the dam also show anomalous. The multi-disciplinary analysis of seismometry, hydrology and geology indicates: (1) the water storage in the reservoir is mostly possible to induce earthquakes with M\-S<3.0; (2) the water storage more probably induces moderate or strong earthquakes on F\-1 fault(Queletage fault) than on F\-2 fault.
Inland Earthquake