为了解决多媒体包的流在传输过程中不同步问题 ,设计并提出了一种称为一致性的新算法 ,为单个和多个流的同步化问题提供了一个集成解决方案。它定义了一个框架 ,既可用以解决同步化问题 ,又可以利用相关应用程序参数进行操作。这些参数可以在丢包率、端到端延迟和流不对称性之间作出折衷。进一步讨论了如何处理多个流同步的问题。
A new algorithm Concord is presented, which provides an integrated solution for the synchronization of single and multiple streams. The new algorithm is notable because it defines a single framework to deal with the above problem, and it can operate under the influence of parameters supplied by the application involved. In particular, these parameters are used to allow a trade\|off between the packet loss rates, total end\|to\|end delay and skew for each of the streams. For applications like conferencing it is especially useful because it can reduce delay by determining the minimum buffer delay/size required.
Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology:Natural Sciences Edition