众所周知 ,DNA是遗传信息的携带者 ,遗传现象主要是由基因决定的。但是 ,近几年来科学家发现 ,朊病毒是一种可遗传的蛋白质粒子 ;DNA甲基化也导致一些遗传现象的发生 ;性状间的相互制约也可引起不受基因控制的表型出现……这些现象说明DNA并非遗传的全部。
As we all know,the heredity information is carried by DNA, and the hereditary phenomenon is determined mainly by genes. But scientists find in recent years that Prion is a kind of inheritable protein; the methylated of DNA also cause some hereditary phenomena and the interaction between characters cause some phenotypes that are not controlled by genes. It shows that DNA is not the whole of heredity.
Journal of Hengshui Normal College