本文论述了软科学是支撑民主和科学决策的整个科学体系 ;阐明了民主科学决策在人才资源开发中的重要性和必要性 ;提出了 2 1世纪人才资源开发如何应用软管理之方法 ,以科学为鉴、运筹帷幄 ,使人才资源开发与现代化管理接轨 。
This paper have elaborated soft science is the whole science system of supporting democracy and science decision,expounded the importance and necessity during talent's development of resources of democratic science decision,and proposed how talent's development of resources should use the method of soft management in 21st century,and make talent's development of resources integrate with modernized management,then give full play to the role of its function.
Journal of Fuzhou Teachers College