对桂糖 15号宿根蔗以高效专用甘蔗液肥“蔗丰灵”进行不同处理 ,均获得增产、增糖的效果 ;尤其在促进茎径的增粗、增高方面表现更为显著 ,最终实际砍收产量比对照增加 17.4 % - 2 2 .2 %。既喷施“蔗丰灵”又盖膜的比盖膜不喷和不喷不盖膜的处理蔗糖分分别高 0 .39%和 0 .76 % (绝对值 )。不同处理间生理生化指标如叶绿素含量 ,苹果酸酶、过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶活性等都有差异。
The ratoon crop of sugarcane variety Guitang 15 was treated with Zhefengling,an efficient liquid fertilizer for sugarcane,under the conditions covered and uncovered with plastic film. The experimental results proved the treatment of Zhefengling increased the cane yield and sucrose content in cane,especially promoting increment of diameter and height of the stalks. As compared with the controls, the treatments of Zhefengling increased the cane yield by 17.4%- 22.2%. The plastic film covered Zhefengling treatment increased the sucrose content in cane by 0.39% and 0.76% over the plastic film covered and non plastic film covered controls. There were obvious differences in physiological and biochemical traits such as content of chlorophyll, and activities of malic enzyme, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase.