在青海省共和县海拔高度 32 0 0m的生态条件下 ,对安哥拉山羊的适应性 ,从四季气温、放牧特点、营养适应、繁殖性和疾病进行了观察 ,在防暑、保暖、青草期放牧、枯草期舍饲为主 ,放牧为副条件下 ,安哥拉山羊表明对当地生态环境表现出良好的适应性。
Under the ecological condition of Gonghe county.Qinghai Province at an altitude of 3200 metres above sea level,the adaptability which included air temperature in all the year,grazing characteristic,nutrient adaptation,reproductive performance and illness condieion were observed for Angora Goat.The Angora Goat showed the good adaptability for native ecological environment under the condition fo heatstroke prevetion,heat preservation,grazing during the period of green grass,feeding system which was mainly the yard feeding and secondly the grazing during the period of withered grass.
Chinese Qinghai Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences