研究了不同 p H淋洗液和 Na Cl胁迫对水培条件下玉米冠层淋洗物中氮组分的影响。结果表明 :冠层淋洗物中硝态氮、铵态氮、有机态氮和全氮的含量随植物生长量的增加而提高 ;p H3.5淋洗无盐处理的 NH4 - N、NO3- N和 Tot N的含量高于 p H7.0无盐处理的含量 ,而 Org- N含量则低 ;同一淋洗处理无盐胁迫的单株氮组分淋洗量高于盐胁迫处理(p H7.0淋洗的 NO3- N未达显著水平 ) ;p H7.0淋洗液时 ,淋洗液中的氮组分以 Org- N为主 (占 5 1.6 %~ 5 7.8% ) ,p H3.5淋洗液时 ,以 NO3- N为主 (占 4 8.3%~ 5 0 .5 % ) ;与无盐胁迫相比 ,盐处理后 p H7.0淋洗的 Org- N和 p H3.5淋洗的 Org- N、NO3- N和 Tot- N的单位鲜重淋洗总量增加 ;p H3.5淋洗可增加 NO3- N和 Tot-
Effect of canopy leaching with different pH solutions on contents of N components in leachate of maize ( Zea mays L. ) under NaCl stress was investigated. The results showed that the NO 3 N, NH 4 N,Organic N and Total N contents in leachates increased with increment of the plant growth. NO 3 N, NH 4 N and Total N contents in leachates of no NaCl stress with pH3.5 leaching treatments were higher than these of pH7. 0 treatments, and Organic N was lower. With the same leaching treatment the plant N component contents in leachates of no NaCl stress were higher than thoes of NaCI stress treatments. With the pH7.0 leaching, Organic N was the main component in leachate (occupying 51.6%~57.8%) and with the pH3.5leaching, NO 3 N was the main component (occupying 48.3%~50.5%). NaCl stress increased the total leaching contents of organic N of per fresh shoot weight with pH7.0 leaching and organic N, NO 3 N and Tot N with pH3.5. pH3.5 leaching increased NO 3 N and Tot N total leaching contents of per fresh shoot weight.
Acta Agronomica Sinica