
猪肌肉生长抑制素基因 5′调控区T→A突变与生长性状的关系分析 被引量:46

Relationship of T→A Mutation in the Promoter Region of Myostatin Gene with Growth Traits in Swine
摘要 生长速度是猪育种中选择的主要目标性状之一 ,鉴定影响生长速度的QTL或基因具有重要的实践意义和理论价值。对猪肌肉生长抑制素基因 (myostatin ,MSTN) 5′调控区TA突变与生长性状的关系进行了分析。突变所产生的基因型的判定采用PCR RFLP方法进行。猪生长性状的测定指标包括 6 0日龄体重 (bodyweightat 6 0d ,BW6 0 )、前期平均日增重 (averagedailygainofstageone ,ADG1)、后期平均日增重 (averagedailygainofstagetwo ,ADG2 )和全期平均日增重 (averagedailygainofwholestage ,ADG) ,所采用的记录数分别来自 16 5 ,2 76 ,2 75和 2 75头无亲缘关系个体。采用SAS软件包的GLM程序对MSTN基因型与猪生长性状的关系进行分析。结果表明 ,MSTN基因型对猪BW6 0 ,ADG1和ADG2的效应不显著 (P >0 1) ,对ADG2的效应在剔除基因型与品种的互作效应以后几乎达到显著水平(P =0 0 5 2 2 ) ,突变等位基因的携带者 (基因型为TA) A TA mutation in the promoter region of porcine myostatin ( MSTN ) gene has been identified in previous work.Associations of the myostatin genotypes with growth traits are unknown in swine.The present study attempts to analyze the relationship of the mutation with the growth traits which included body weight at 60d (BW60),average daily gain from 25kg to 60kg(ADG1),average daily gain from 60kg to 100kg (ADG2) and average daily gain from 25kg to 100kg (ADG).Data from 165,275,276 and 276 unrelated individuals respectively were collected from three different swine breeding companies.Detections of the mutation were carried out by PCR RFLP approach.The effect of MSTN genotypes ( TT and TA ) on growth traits was estimated by GLM procedure.The results showed that for ADG2,individuals with TA genotype were higher than those of TT genotype ( P =0 052),indicating a positive effect for A allele.For BW60,ADG1 and ADG,the effect of porcine MSTN genotype was non significant ( P >0 1).Studies are still necessary for examining the effects in 'double muscled'pigs.
出处 《Acta Genetica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期413-416,共4页
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目 (3 973 0 3 60 ) 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G2 0 0 0 0 161)资助 ~~
关键词 猪肌肉生长抑制素基因 调控区 T→A突变 生长性状 swine myostatin gene promoter region growth traits
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