
澜沧荛花(瑞香科)的花部形态发生yh及其系统学意义(英文) 被引量:1

Floral morphogenesis of Wikstroemia delavayi (Thymelaea- ceae) and its phylogenetic implication
摘要 通过扫描电镜对澜沧荛花Wikstroemiadelavayi花部的形态发生过程进行了观察和分析 ,旨在为该属的系统学研究提供花部发育形态学资料。澜沧荛花花部的发生和早期发育呈远轴面向近轴面的顺序 ,但这一式样由于近轴面的器官在早期发育之后生长加速发生了转变。因此 ,花开放时所表现的所谓辐射对称 ,显然是由同一轮器官的异率生长所导致的次生现象。花盘发生于花萼筒基部的远轴面上 ,与花萼、雄蕊的发生间隔时间较长。花盘原基在下轮雄蕊着生处凹陷或间断 ,与之相对应 ,花盘裂片与下轮雄蕊呈互生。由此 ,花盘显然不是花托的一部分 ,也不是象花萼、雄蕊和心皮一样的独立结构 ,将其解释为雄蕊群的一部分更合理。花盘的发生和早期发育及其着生位置同其他花部器官的发生和发育式样具有明显的相关性 ,这种相关性对进一步阐明瑞香属Daphne和荛花属Wikstroemia的系统发育关系具有一定意义。根据对雌蕊群的发生和发育过程观察 ,该种的子房是由一个近轴面的可育心皮和一个远轴面的不育心皮融合而成的单室子房 ,为假单心皮雌蕊。尽管荛花属和瑞香属均属于单室子房 ,但澜沧荛花的子房维管束中的腹束排列于中轴位置 ,而目前资料显示瑞香属植物的腹束接近于侧膜位置 。 Floral morphogenesis of Wikstroemia delavayi Lecomte was investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and compared with its allied groups. Initiation and early development of floral parts in W. delavayi followed unidirectional sequences from the abaxial side to the adaxial side. Because the floral parts grew faster at the adaxial side than at the abaxial one in following development, the zygomorphic pattern in the early development changed and finally became an almost actinomorphic form at anthesis. The disc was initiated from the abaxial base of the floral tube and its lobes were alternate with lower whorl stamens. According to this initiatial and developmental pattern, it is reasonable to interpret the disc as a part of the androecium rather than a modification of the receptacle. The located position and development of the disc was correlative with the development of other floral organs, which might provide insight to delimit Wikstroemia and Daphne based on different floral developmental pattern that might exist between the two genera. The developmental process of W. delavayi indicated that the syncarpous and uniloculate gynoecium was in fact bicarpellate, which consisted of a fertile carpel and a sterile one. It was pseudomonomerous. Even though the ovary in both Wikstroemia and Daphne was uniloculate, the location of the ventral bundles in the ovary was obviously different from each other according to data to date. In this respect, further investigation is undertaken between the two genera.
出处 《植物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期271-282,共12页 Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
关键词 澜沧尧花 瑞香科 花部形态发生 系统学 Floral morphogenesis Zygomorphy Disc Pseudomonomerous gynoecium Wikstroemia delavayi Thymelaeaceae
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