远程访问是指客户端利用WAN技术 ,通过某种远程连接方式登录到本地网络中。微软的WINDOWS 2 0 0 0SERVER提供了比以往更可靠的安全控制、更方便的管理手段和更多种的远程服务协议。采用WINDOWS 2 0 0 0SERVER可以在局域网上实现一个安全、方便、低成本的远程访问服务。
The Remote Access Service means that a guest can get into his web-site through the remote access service connecting mode on the technical base of WAN. Microsoft WINDOWS 2000 Service provides much more safer controlling, more convenient administrative means and scores of remote access services than ever before. People can obtain the safer, more convenient and lower cost RAS in their NETBEUI with the help of WINDOWS 2000 SERVICE.
Journal of Huaiyin Institute of Technology