在艺术设计教学中 ,一个普遍现象是过于重视基础技能的训练 ,却忽视了艺术设计中最为重要的创造能力培养 ,结果导致学生纵然有较强的美术基础 ,但仍难以有能力在专业设计上有所突破与创新 ,这是与艺术设计的本质相违背的 .通过分析中国艺术设计教学现状并对照国外艺术设计教学特征 ,对艺术设计教学中创造性思维培养的重要性作了论述 .
While too much attention is paid to basic skill training in the teaching of artistic design, the development of students' creative thought is neglected, which leads to students' failure in creative designing, even if they have good command of fine arts. That is against the essence of artistic design. By analyzing the present situation of artistic design teaching at home and abroad, the paper elaborates on the importance of developing creative thought in artistic design teaching.\;
Journal of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology