宛麦 36 9是河南省南阳市农科所利用宛 71 0 7、内乡 1 82和宛抗 4 3作亲本 ,配制组合 ( Tai1 82 3 / wk4 3) F3× ( Tai71 0 7/内乡 1 82 4 ) F4 选育而成 ,该品种高产、抗病、优质、适应性强 ,于 2 0 0 1年
A new wheat variety Wanmai 369, named and approved by Hennan Crop Appraisal Committee in 2001, was developed at the Nanyang Municipal agricultural Institute. Wanman 369 is derived from the parental varieties of Wan 7107, Neixiang 182 and Wankang 43. The variety characters of Wanmai 369 are expressed in its high yield, excellent seed quality, disease and pest resistance as well as wide adaptability under adverse growing conditions.
Journal of Henan Vocation-Technical Teachers College
河南省科技攻关项目 ( 96 1 0 1 0 1 1 2)