设计构思建筑面的造型对于表达建筑物的形象至关重要。结合 1号公寓高层住宅楼建筑面的设计造型构思实例 ,从面的形象与表达、面的形状、色彩、质地、面的范围及构成六方面阐述了建筑面造型的重要作用。另外 ,还对设计构思建筑面造型效果的特征作了分析研究 。
the architecture modeling design is important for the architectural image's expression. Combined with actual design example for architecture modeling the importance of architecture modeling is elaborated from six aspects: image and expression, form, color, texture, the range and composition of face. Moreover the characteristics of modeling effect is analyzed and studied to reveal the beauty of building fully.
Shanxi Architecture